EverEnviro empanelled by IGL to set up CBG

During India Energy Week 2024, EverEnviro Resource Management Private Limited was empanelled by Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL) to set up multiple compressed biogas (CBG) plants in India. The letter was signed under the city gas distribution (CGD) synchronisation scheme, and the CBG produced at EverEnviro’s plants will be directly fed into IGL’s CGD network. In September 2023, Indian Oil Corporation Limited formed a 50:50 joint venture with EverEnviro to set up additional CBG plants nationwide. EverEnviro is already executing about 20 CBG projects across the states of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Punjab, with a significant capital investment of nearly Rs 20 billion, which will result in an output of 320 metric tonnes of CBG per day.