NEPAD-Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility approves $3.88-million grant for regional interconnection projects

The NEPAD-Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility has approved a $3.88 million grant to the governments of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Mozambique and Zambia for completing preparation works for regional interconnection projects. Of the two regional interconnectors, Kolwezi (DRC)-Solwezi (Zambia) has received $1.98 million and Zambia-Mozambique has received $1.9 million. The grants will help fund full feasibility studies, including detailed design and tender documents of the proposed HVDC 330/400 kV transmission lines, within two years. The two planned interconnectors are amongst the key corridors in the Southern Africa Power Pool network architecture within the regional grid. The projects will constitute the building blocks to connect the north-south and east-west Southern African Development Community power grid.