India ranks amongst top five best performing countries on climate change

India has been ranked amongst top five countries in the world, and the best among the G20 countries, based on its climate change performance.

India has jumped two spots higher, and is now ranked eighth as per Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI, 2023) published by German Watch, New Climate Institute and Climate Action Network International based in Germany. The latest report shows Denmark, Sweden, Chile and Morocco as the only four small countries that were ranked above India as fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh respectively. The first, second and third ranks were not awarded to any country. In effect therefore, India’s rank is the best amongst all large economies. India earned a high rating in the greenhouse gas emissions and energy use categories, and a medium rating for climate policy and renewable energy. The aggressive policies of India towards rapid deployment of renewables and robust framework for energy efficiency programs have shown considerable impact. As per the CCPI report, India is on track to meet its 2030 emissions targets (compatible with a well-below-2°C scenario).