Tata Power-DDL signs an MoU with CBIP for skill development and capacity building

Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (Tata Power-DDL) has signed an MoU with the Ce­n­tral Board of Irrigation and Power (CBIP) for capacity building and skill development of personnel in the power distribution sector. The main objective of the MoU is to nurture and groom power sector professionals with the requisite skills through advanced training programmes in areas such as smart grids, grid automation, electric vehicle (EV) and charging infrastructure, internet of things, artificial intelligence and machine learning with dro­ne technology integration. Apart from conducting combined programmes including customised on-site programmes and calendar training programmes, Tata Power-DDL and CBIP will carry out joint research and development activities in the fields of smart grid technologies, EV and charging infrastructure, renewable energy, grid integration technologies, cybersecurity, etc.