Sachin Kumar: Associate Director-Energy Efficiency, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation

Sachin Kumar is associate director, energy efficiency, at the Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation. He has over 23 years of experience in the environmental sector, having worked in the fields of energy efficiency and envir­on­ment improvement. A do­main that he has been closely involved with is the decarbonisation of the industry sector in India, where he has a been part of various significant initiatives.

His role at the Shakti Sustainable En­ergy Foundation is to lead the progra­m­me on industrial decarbonisation, buil­ding both decarbonisation and the cooling sector. In his current role, he is provided with fruitful opportunities to in­teract wi­th diverse stakeholders nationally as well as internationally, with the sc­ope for imbibing new ideas and know­ledge from experts.

With respect to India’s re­newable energy sector, he remarks, “India has already committed to develop capa­cities for generating 500 GW of energy from renewable so­ur­ces by 2030.  Policy initiatives such as the re­cently an­noun­ced Nation­al Green Hy­dro­gen Mission and the the increasing interest of large corporates in renewables are certainly positive developments that will put India on the path to successfully meeting this target.” He goes on to say, “I believe that it is important for the country to focus on building-related in­fra­str­ucture and indigenous capacities to de­velop technologies and manufacturing capabilities that will help reduce import dependence and minimise the outflow of foreign exchange.”

Regarding his management style, his approach is largely collaborative, built on open communication and developing trust with­in the team. He likes to lead by example in order to build res­pect and de­ve­lop the skills of his team members.

In his spare time, he enjoys reading books, especially about the British Colo­nial Era in India. He likes to learn about the country’s legacy, history and ac­hievements in the fields of science, ed­ucation, architecture and spirituality. He also loves spending time with his family. In terms of future goals, it is his aspiration to be a positive part of India’s grow­th and development  journey. He wants to contribute to knowledge crea­tion bas­ed on scientific analysis, which will ho­pefully be able to guide informed decisions on po­licy, technology and de­ve­lo­ping hu­man capacities.

Kumar is a civil engineer with a master’s degree in Environmental Enginee­r­ing and a doctorate on cleaner producti­on diffusions among MSMEs.