CEA issues guidelines for slope stability for HPPs

The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has issued guidelines for slope stability in hydropower projects (HPPs).

These guidelines are applicable to HPPs developers in hilly terrains guiding them to take cognizance of past slope failures and existence of unstable slopes in the project area covering the affected zones and recommend necessary remedial measures for slope stabilisation of HPPs prior to construction, during construction, and post commissioning of the project. The guidelines classify projects with a capacity of 400 MW and above as vulnerable and require project authorities to conduct thorough assessments of the upper reservoir areas, identify fault sites, and implement necessary corrective measures to ensure stability. Furthermore, the guidelines call for use of modern techniques such as remote sensing and GIS technology, drones, LiDAR technology, etc. to measure and monitor vulnerable zones such as glacial lakes, landslide, and avalanche prone areas.

Click here to read the guideline