Pramod Singh: President, India Power Corporation Limited

President, India Power Corporation Limited

Pramod Singh, president, India Power Corporation Limited, brings to the table 28 years of experience in the power and infrastructure sector, in areas such as corporate strategy, business developme­nt, policy and regulatory affairs, sa­­les and techno-commercial manage­me­nt.

Singh has witnessed, and been closely associated with, many of the changes that have taken place in the power sector th­rough its evolution from a power-deficit situation to power surplus and the development of a robust transmission system, resulting in a one India-one grid-one frequency system. “We are now aiming for one me­rit order, a more demystified po­wer market, well-entrenched energy efficiency initiatives, increased private part­i­ci­pati­on across the value chain, and greater ease of doing business,” he says.

Some recent milestones he notes, are renewable capacity crossing 100 GW, thereby making cre­dible progress towar­ds India’s climate change com­mitments, and total de­mand exceeding 200 GW. “The­re are structural chan­g­es under way on both the de­m­and and supply side ami­dst the ongoing energy transition,” he notes. “Elec­tri­fica­ti­on of automobiles, in­creased prosumerisation, changing supply and consumption patterns, flexibilisation, decentralised generation, etc. are emerging trends. The speed of change will be influenced by how fast and how far the cost and performance of renewables and hydrogen as a molecule ad­vance along with the related ecosystem as compared to conventional energy; how much energy storage costs decline and where electric vehicle co­­sts and performance inter­se­ct with internal combustion engine vehicles.”

“The main challenge lies in making distribution more efficient and profitable, and through ti­mely payments, ensuring adequate capital servicing for operating assets as well as new investments across the value ch­ain,” he says. Some heavy lifting is nee­d­e­d in terms of performance impro­vement, loss reduction, and better quality su­pply and customer service. It also re­quires fi­nancial de-risking through cost-reflective tariffs, regulatory asset treatment, sub­­sidy management, etc.

Singh is an engineering and management professional. He likes to spend time with his family, which comprises his wife, a working professional, and their two college-going daughters. He has a keen interest in music, reading, and sports and grew up playing cricket and tennis. He also writes poetry and hopes to publish a compilation of his poems.